
2 mar 2019

Bilad al-sham a country an example of peaceful coexistence

Bilad al-sham a country an example of peaceful coexistence

Autore: Mustafa Jazairi / sabato 2 marzo 2019 / Categorie: EML, Syria / Vota questo articolo:
Syria's contribution to Western thought and to the development of Christianity is still underestimated. Even if recent discoveries by famous archaeologists such as Claudio Shifere (for the excavations of Ugarit), and Paolo Mattiae (for the excavations of Ebla) have shown that Syria, can be considered the cradle of civilization.
Here the first alphabet was born, developed later by the Phoenicians and the Greeks and left in inheritance to the West by the Latin; here the first urban civilizations and the first organized societies were born and developed. But Syria was the cradle and center of diffusion of the two greatest monotheistic religions: Christianity and Islam.
From Damascus S. Paolo left in the 1st century A.D. to spread the word of Christ in Asia Minor, in Greece, in Rome where in 66 A.D. he was beheaded.
The Christian mission continued with the Popes that Syria gave to the papal throne: St. Anicetus, the 11th Pope of the Vatican, martyr died, and later, between the 6th and 7th centuries, St. Giovanni V, St. Sergio II, St. Sinisino, St. Constantine, St. Gregorio III, St. Zaccaria, in all seven Popes.
Always keeping in the sphere of Christianity great was the Syrian contribution in the architectural and artistic field, from the plants of the first basilicas, to the domes, to the constructive methods, to the mosaic arts, as can be widely observed in the early Christian architecture of Rome and Ravenna.
A further testimony of the Christian fervor that animated Syria in the first centuries A.D. it can provide the Christian community with refuge in the mountains of Maalula that still today recite the "Pater Noster" in the Aramaic language (the language of Christ).
Even in certain hymns we find the echo of the songs of the first Christians of Syria who used to "pray singing".
But from Damascus a few centuries later, under the Umayyad dynasty, another civilization took off: that of Islam, to spread a new religious creed continuing the The Masar (The Path) of Abraham and his family started some 4000 years ago across great Syria.
With Abraham as a venerated patriarchal figure for Islam, Judaism, and Christianity monotheistic religions.
Islam began in 610 A.D. when Prophet Muhammad started receiving revelations from God, or Allah in Arabic. These revelations are recorded in the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. We Muslims, we believe in Mohammad the prophet of God, also the Christ the prophet (word and spirit of God). Islam recognizes Moses, Jesus, and many others as prophets. And Prophet Muhammad is considered the last of the prophets.
This civilization brought to Europe, in the dark centuries of the middle Ages, philosophical, scientific and technical knowledge.
But the search for common principles and values on which the monotheistic faiths rest here, such as faith in one god and charity and love towards others has led to the succession of respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence between Christian and Muslim communities.
On such spiritual, religious, and cultural affinities and based on the peaceful religious coexistence in our country that, considering even today sacred and inviolable hospitality and welcome to guests, The values of hospitality, community and honor are central to Syrian and many Middle Eastern cultures.

In the picture: Dr. Mustafa Jazairi
EML Ambassador of peace in Syria

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